Sunday, March 31, 2024
Paris, France
MedEx is the ‘can’t miss’ event for medical professionals considering Aliyah!
The Israeli medical license transfer process is coming to you
This unique event provides medical professionals with the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Israeli Ministry of Health Licensing Division, the Israeli Medical Association (IMA), Israeli health funds (Kupot Cholim) and hospitals. The certification of your documents can only be done in person. This is the only chance you’ll get to begin the process of transferring your medical license and interview for a job in your field – all under one roof!
The NBN MedEx is an essential event for medical professionals considering Aliyah.
In addition to copies of your documents, you must bring ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS with you to MedEx!
Required Documents For Transferring a Medical License
The MedEx licensing appointments are available for medical professionals planning to make Aliyah in 2024 or 2025. If you have any questions, email [email protected]
Please refer to the official Israeli Ministry of Health website for information about transferring your license. Refer to the green buttons below for profession-specific requirements.
Each page includes a detailed list of documentation that must be presented in order to receive licensing approval.
Documents to Bring
Professionals who would like to present their documents at the MedEx must bring their:
1. Original documents (to present)
2. Photocopies of original documents (to submit)
3. Your passport (hard copy plus a copy, for the notary to identify you)
It is extremely important to prepare your documentation in advance, and we are here to help! Let us know if you are unsure about a particular requirement or have questions that comes up as you prepare for your meeting with the representative from the Ministry of Health. The NBN website has additional information about transferring your license and practicing in Israel.
This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. If you are unable to attend MedEx, please refer back to the full licensing requirements including notarization of your documents. Original documents which are presented at the MedEx do not require additional notarization.
Required Documents for Specialty Recognition (Physicians)
The Scientific Council of the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) will be joining us at the 2023 MedEx (read more about the IMA here). They will be present to introduce potential physician Olim to the Israeli medical system and provide detailed and technical information about the process of working in Israel. Additionally and critically, they will be assisting physicians with the process of having their medical specialty recognized in Israel, before they make Aliyah.
CLICK HERE for the list of required documentation needed to have a specialty certification recognized in Israel (please note that many of the required documents are duplicates of the documents required for converting a medical license with the Israeli Ministry of Health).
General Conference Questions
Specific field questions
Specialty recognition (relevant for physicians only)
Documents questions
Licensing Exams